
Captains Update

Published Wed 02 Nov 2016



Now that I and the new committee are a few weeks into the role I thought that it is time for an update of what is happening around the shed and equipment from my perspective as Captain. The committee is working on a monthly communication which will be much broader than this.


I am starting to work through the boats and organising repairs or fixing what I can.

To this end, if you know of any breakages or damage to boats, please ensure you report them by email to Until we get a website functional this is probably the best method of letting me know.


Issues that I know about and where they are at:

1. Monty - Hull is out for finishing and painting. Waiting on 6 new riggers but hopeful the boat will be back on the water in the next few weeks.

2. Hammond - has some damage to the bow from what appears to have been a mounting of the pontoon and also a hole that appears to be the top of a rigger bolt or edge of a sling. WiIl look to have both areas repaired over the next few weeks.

    3. DRC 14 - Foot stretchers repaired so they are now slide adjustments.

4. Torchbearer - Foot plate repaired - more spares ordered for these Rowfit stretchers

5. Robertson - Steering feet need repairs. Have removed for repair - Boat out of action. ALso replaced wheels on stroke seat.

6. Tinnies - All tinnies back in action.


   I have also restocked the parts boxes. I will regularly check and restock but let me know if you find we are out of something.


Last week I met with Laura Brienesse (TARA) and Jenny Clarke (PLC)  in an inaugural Shed Meeting to get an update on their activities and let them know what we are up to. We want to make these a regular event and look to include more of the committee and coaches from the schools and DRC. It was important to get this ball rolling with their rowing terms about to start.


Both schools will be holding camps over the school holidays in preparation for their season starting full on in Mid October.

During Term 4, Tara will be predominantly afternoons and Sunday mornings. PLC will be Tues/Wed/Thurs/Frid/Sat mornings and Mon/Tues/Thurs afternoons.

A reminder to all members that during weekdays we need to have pushed off the pontoon buy 5.30am or wait till after 6am once PLC have boated. They have an increase in numbers so will be boating more crews than they did this past year.

On Saturdays and Sundays we will have cross-over in boating times so we will need to be mindful of possible delays in getting on the water.


The scaffolding will be coming down in about 3 weeks time. In the mean time it is a hassle but we need to work with that. Please be aware that we cannot stack the tinnies not in use, in front of the PLC roller door. They should be moved to the pool side of the staging or parked in between the yellow timbers between the roller doors.


At the end of your row, make sure that you move any tinnies, trestles etc that will not be needed by other crews, are stored in the shed so that those that come in later do not have to put it all back. Look in the bay your boat has been put back in and if you believe all boats for that bay are back, pull the tinnies in and put the the trestles away.


We are all responsible for keeping the shed tidy and putting equipment away so please be conscious of this at the end of each row.


A reminder also that you do not use boats that are not allocated to you. Boat allocation is there for that reason.


   Lastly but probably most importantly, on this Sunday coming the Centenary committee are running a BBQ for past and present members. We are down on replies from current members so we encourage you to attend and  meet  up with some of the people who help build this club.

  The BBQ starts at 11am but we need some help to spruce up the area out to the side of the club. If you are available to help on Saturday or Sunday morning before the event please come along to help out. 



Rob Glendenning


DRC Rowers Inc

